Whole School Curriculum

Click here to see the whole school curriculum maps:
2022 - 23 whole school curriculum map

Our aim is to provide a stimulating environment in which each child can develop fully as an individual.  We will help all pupils develop their personal and social skills and achieve their full academic potential.  We will encourage them to be independent and resourceful whilst also valuing and considering the needs and feelings of others.

Through the curriculum, we aim for our children to be:

Successful learners who….

  • are numerate, literate and ICT literate to enable life-long learning
  • can think independently
  • are curious, inquisitive and willing to take risks to try new things
  • are motivated and engaged
  • are creative in their approach to learning
  • can communicate thoughts and ideas effectively and ask appropriate questions
  • are able to apply and transfer skills in a variety of contexts
  • understand how they learn best, and take responsibility for their own learning
  • are resilient and accepting of change
  • are organised

Confident individuals who….

  • are independent and self-motivated
  • are happy and feel safe
  • can understand the consequences of their own and other’s actions as well as skills of negotiation and compromise
  • form good working relationships with others
  • are responsible for their health and well-being

Responsible citizens who…

  • are spiritually and morally aware
  • have appropriate manners and good behaviour
  • contribute positively to others in their community and show them respect
  • understand the world around them
  • are culturally aware
  • are environmentally aware

Our Harestock Curriculum for Learning Overview states our curriculum intention, our curriculum implementation and the impact of the curriculum. Please see this document in the Our Curriculum tab.

Our Learning Values are:

I am motivated I am independent
I am organised I am a team worker
I am a risk taker I am a problem solver
I am able to question I am able to persevere
I am resilient I am reflective
I am able to collaborate I am able to relate to others
I am able to empathise I am respectful
I am able to show excellence I am resourceful
I am assertive I am confident

Our curriculum is delivered through a two year planning cycle.  The teaching staff work as teams, where possible, and plan their work half-termly, weekly and daily within the framework provided by the two year Plan.

All Year 1 – 6 children in school follow the National Curriculum programme of study.  The curriculum is delivered in a variety of ways:

  • whole class teaching
  • group teaching
  • individual teaching
  • guided collaboration
  • independent self-directed activities

Teachers ensure that there is a balance between the introduction of new ideas, skills and knowledge and the reinforcement, practise and repetition of what has previously been taught.

The National Curriculum forms the basis for curriculum planning throughout the school. Our creative, themed approach to curriculum planning aims to maximize cross-curricular links.

The children in Reception engage in their learning through the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework, with activities planned to meet each child’s educational needs.  The emphasis on individual needs continues throughout the school and is reflected in the school’s policies.

In common with all maintained schools in England and Wales we teach English, Maths, Science, I.C.T., Geography, History, P.E., Art, Music, Design Technology and Religious Education.  These subjects form the National Curriculum and will be taught in an integrated manner or as separate subjects.  English, Maths, Science, R.E. and I.C.T. are the five core subjects and therefore take up a considerable part of the school week.  Teacher assessment is conducted regularly and recorded and children’s progress is carefully monitored in the school.  In addition there are National Curriculum Assessments, tasks or tests, at the end of each Key Stage (i.e. at 7 years and 11 years).

Please see our Curriculum policy and appendix for more information about these subjects.

Throughout the school, homework plays a developing role in supporting the children’s learning. Communication sent home in all Year groups provides clear guidance on tasks set as well as this information being on the school website. As part of their homework we strongly encourage all children to read daily at home.

We enrich and enhance the curriculum through the use of visitors, visits and special events.

The Year 6 children are also offered a five day residential to Dorset.  The purpose of this is twofold: to enhance the opportunities for learning, and develop the social skills, independence and resourcefulness needed to live away from home in a larger community.

To view all of the statutory requirements of the National Curriculum (2014) subject by subject, and broken down into year groups, please use the link below to access the National Curriculum for Key Stages 1 and 2.

The National Curriculum for Key Stages 1 and  2