Performance Data

During each Summer Term, primary schools in England complete a series of assessments. These provide us with opportunities to see how well our children are learning and informs our school development. We are able to compare our results against those of other schools within Hampshire (362 schools), our Local Authority and against National (16995 schools) data.  The key to the graphs is as follows:


  • Working at – achieved the expected standard
  • EXS – achieved the expected standard
  • GD – achieved greater depth
  • GPS – Grammar, punctuation and spelling
  • RWM – children who achieved EXS or GD in reading, writing and maths


Early Years (Year R)

During Year R, children are assessed against the Early Learning Goals.  Achieving age expectations in all areas means a child is assessed as having a Good Level of Development.

Note: in 2023-24 our Yr R cohort included 26% children with SEN.


Key Stage 1

In year 1, children take the Phonics Check.  We are very proud of the impact our Little Wandle Phonics Programme has had across our school. In year 2, children who did not pass the test in year 1 take a resit. 

2022-23 was the last year that school had to take KS1 SATs. However, this is the data for the last two years (there were no tests in 2021 due to Covid).

Key Stage 2 (Year 6)

At the end of year 6, children sit their Key Stage 2 SATS.

compare Winchester Primary school performance